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Hi! I am Hayley Hunt, a 17 year old Junior in High School. I am a cheerleader at my school and part of the Leadership class. I also am Miss Ventura County's Outstanding Teen. I believe in trying to change the world for the better and if I work hard enough I know I will! I started this blog because i know cyber-bullying is a very serious issue and I want to do all I can help decrease the statistics of online bullying. My goal is educate, comfort, and empower others to stand up against the detrimental affects online bullying can have. By doing so, I will be posting quotes of the week and stories from those who courageously stood and spoke up. If you have a story to share email:


I hope this blog can help other have the strength to stand up and speak up. no one should live in fear or feel worthless. As the amazing Ellen DeGeneres always says, be kind to one another.



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